27 Jun 2018

27 Jun 2018


Do you want to be successful in your job search? Go for a proper job hunting strategy and set yourself apart from the competency

We all have been jobseekers at some point in our lives, and we know the process can be complicated and even demoralizing. However, having a well-planned strategy can pave the way and make the difference between one candidate and another.

The job hunting strategy is nothing more than an organized action plan to seek employment. This plan must have a clear goal that allows the jobseeker to save efforts and resources.

On the contrary, those candidates who go on the adventure of looking for a job without a specific strategy or goal will see themselves trapped in longer and unsuccessful searches. For this reason, it is essential to establish clear work objectives and review the search strategy we use. Thus, we will learn from our mistakes and avoid making them again.

Know your allies

To be successful in your job hunting process, it is important that you know the different job search tools that exist and how to reach the recruitment managers. From job boards to corporate websites, social networks or even bulletin boards. If you master these tools, and you managed to attract the attention of the HHRR departments, you will demonstrate proactivity and interest and, in the end, new job opportunities will arise.

Job hunting gives you access to job vacancies beyond those posted on traditional portals and media. Although you remain active in professional networks or job boards, there are often vacancies that are not disclosed on these sites. Business strategies, confidentiality or lack of time and resources are just some reasons.


First steps for your Job Hunting Strategy

One of the first actions you should take when doing job hunting is making a list of companies in the sector of your interest, as well as specialized consultancies. LinkedIn and other professional social media platforms are also very useful to access an extensive network of the companies you are interested in working for. Be proactive and show them your motivation for new projects and job opportunities. Do not hesitate to register on corporate websites that you find useful and make sure you keep up to date with your professional and contact information. If you have the chance, go to professional events to expand your network and establish new professional relationships.

Make a good impression

Once a selection process is opened, a recruiter will review his database to identify potential candidates. If you have successfully completed the job hunting process and your profile matches the company’s requirements, you will become part of the recruitment process.

Your CV will be your first step to making a good impression. A good idea can be to elaborate on different CVs according to the job offer you are applying for. This will allow you to focus on each offer individually, adapting your profile to what the position in question requires.

If you make it through the first filter, then you will have direct contact with the recruiter by phone, which will allow him to get a general idea of your experience, knowledge and motivation for the role. Read carefully the job offer to know if you are really interested and if you are suitable for the position. Take also into account the basic features of the vacancy, such as the working day, the location, etc.

Sending your application to any offer, whether it is related to your experience, and whether it matches your needs, will devalue your candidacy. You will give the impression of not having a clear objective or a true interest in the company.


Show passion

Sometimes, we see vacancies that we like more than others, or that we are even passionate about. It is in these situations that we want to show our best face. When it comes to selling yourself as a candidate, you need to know your strengths and weaknesses, but also the business model of the company and its main characteristics. When was it founded? What are their values? Do they work on an international level? Knowing the answer to these questions is a fundamental part of your positioning strategy against other candidates. Not only you are a qualified candidate, but you are also passionate about the project. The selection managers like candidates who are motivated and passionate about the company’s position and project.

It is often the passion that makes a company choose one or another candidate, beyond their professional baggage. Therefore, it is important that you take your time to reflect. What do you really like? What is your goal? What can you contribute to the company? When you have the answer to all these questions, you will be ready to create your job hunting strategy. Good luck from Luxe Talent!
